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Understanding Our Infographics & Icons

Infographics are visual images such as icons, charts or diagrams used to represent information or data. We have found that the additional use of infographics and icons combined with our event details, help pass along important content to our viewers more efficiantly. They are also a great way to describe and categorize event details without loading up a page full of copy. So, take a look below and get to know our infographics! 

VSCircus Sanctioned Events: Any event managed directly by VSCircus, or in which all aspects of that event, such as set up, environment, rules, equipment, etc. have been examined and approved.


This icon will be stamped on all sanctioned events VSCircus is involved with.

Non-Sanctioned Events: These are events VSCircus have supported and/or assisted in some way, but are not fully managed by us. Various conditions such as set up, environment, rules, equipment, etc. are decided upon by the outside organizer, not fully supported by VSCircus standards, but approved for event activity. 

Event Types

Event Type

{Activity}  |  Single-day

Usually Tournaments

Event Type

{Activity}  |  Multi-day

Usually League Play

Event Type

{Activity}  |  Circuit

Connected Leagues/Events

Event Payout Options

Traditional Style

Pays out top teams from their specific brackets and/or groups based upon their success in the event. Paying out the top 3 to 4 spots is most common, but at Versus Circus events, that number will be increased if the total payout pot allows.  

Traditional + Random Draw

A larger portion of the payout pot will be designated to a traditional style system, paying out the overall top teams from the event. The remainder of the pot will be portioned out and randomly assigned to numerous matches throughout the length of the event. Winners of those randomly selected matches will pocket the cash and/or prizes.   

Traditional + Pocket Payouts

A larger portion of the payout pot will be designated to a traditional style system, paying out the overall top teams from the event. The remainder of the pot will be portioned out and pre-assigned to sections of both the winners and losers area of the bracket. This will allow teams to "pocket" cash and/or prizes as they win and move along through the bracket.   

T + P will likely be the system used in the Circuit Championships   

TCC & Venue Descriptors

Craft Beer Series

The Cornhole Circuit

League Seal

Venue Descriptor

Rain or Shine

(outdoor & indoor space)

Venue Descriptor

Outdoor Space Only

Venue Descriptor

Indoor Space Only

Venue Descriptor

Backup Day

(in case of postponed event)

Venue Descriptor

Food Available On-site

(full kitchen or food truck)

Venue Descriptor

Event or Venue Specials

(food, drink, etc.)

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